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The SEAT MÓ Range


SEAT Ireland welcomes today’s announcement from the Department of Transport in relation to the Road Traffic (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill regarding the legislation of e-scooters and e-bikes, and we commend Minister Eamon Ryan TD for progressing this.

Niall Phillips, Brand Director at SEAT Ireland commented:

“In recent years, both in Ireland and across other European markets, SEAT has recognised an increased demand for micro-mobility solutions particularly in urban areas. This was one of the key reasons behind the launch of the SEAT MO range which already offers the eKickScooter25 which is available to order from SEAT retailers nationwide. And within the next few months, we will expand the SEAT MO range with the launch of the eKickScooter65.”

“We believe micro-mobility solutions such as e-scooters and e-bikes and traditional vehicle ownership complement one another extremely well, and we see real potential in micro-mobility products in the future alongside our award-winning SEAT product range.”

“Safe and accessible micro-mobility solutions can play a key role in ensuring a more modern and sustainable transport system for Ireland and at SEAT Ireland, we are delighted to have a growing range of affordable options to meet this evolving demand amongst Irish consumers.”

Visit seat.ie for more information on the SEAT MO range.